Working with Southwark Council for a brighter future at Tustin Estate.
Bouygues UK is working as the developer and contractor on the first phase of the Tustin Estate scheme, a significant housing development for Southwark Council. Overall, the scheme will feature nearly 700 new homes.
The development is the first large-scale project procured through Pagabo’s Developer Led Framework.

The scheme includes 250 replacement council homes and shared equity properties, 220 additional council homes including keyworker homes, and 220 homes for sale. In addition, it will feature a central park, refurbishment of existing council homes and at least 1,800 sqm of commercial floorspace. Works commenced in autumn 2022 and the whole project is planned to complete in 2030.
Southwark Council has been working for several years on the preparation of the redevelopment and put together the outline planning application, granted this October. We were selected as the Developer on this project by the Council in 2021. This was at the start of RIBA stage 2 design and we worked closely with the authority to advise on buildability in the development of phase 1 and the wider masterplan.

“We will soon start seeing tangible results from all the hard work put into this project, and I’m proud that our residents have been so involved in the designs for their estate. This major redevelopment will provide hundreds of new homes, rejuvenate the area and bring enormous benefits for the local community.”
Cllr Darren Merrill, Cabinet Member for Council Homes and Homelessness.
The mandate for the project was established through a community ballot, and Bouygues UK has communicated with residents from the start of its involvement to keep them updated on its plans. Residents have been able to feed back on and influence the various aspects of the project, including design, construction strategy and social value.

The project is expected to achieve a 94% reduction on carbon emissions when in use. A large part of this is due to the clean energy being supplied by the local waste-to-energy district heating network. Additional measures such as high-insulation building fabric, solar panels, SUDs, and air-source heat pumps for individual houses will also contribute to this. Most of the demolition materials will be reused, demolition will be limited through refurbishing a section of the estate and Bouygues UK will raise awareness of subjects like biodiversity through workshops with the local school and the construction of bug hotels.
“It would be difficult to find a better large-scale scheme than that of Tustin Estate to be the first procured through our Developer Led Framework. Connecting Linkcity* with the London Borough of Southwark is set to create social and economic value for the local community following a fair and competitive tender process – ensuring the best outcomes for all involved. We look forward to seeing the scheme progress and the benefits come to fruition.”
Jonathan Parker, Head of Construction at Pagabo
*Now Bouygues UK