NHS Shared Business Services Ltd Framework
We are very proud to have been accepted onto the NHS Shared Business Services Ltd (NHS SBS) framework. This £10.5 billion framework is oriented around driving improved procurement and commercial efficiencies across the Public Sector within the UK to deliver the highest quality patient and social care possible. Bouygues UK will be able to help NHS SBS achieve this by employing our expertise in the healthcare sector, our Modern Methods of Construction knowledge and a collaborative approach to build the best structures we can.
Involvement in this framework means we will receive support with our investments, giving us access to a potential £35m worth of projects to maximise contract uptake and compliance, helping us to continue to expand our healthcare’s services and contribute to building a better, stronger NHS.
David Murray, Bouygues UK NHS SBS Framework Manager, says “The 8 core objectives of the NHS SBS framework; Value for Money, Collaboration, Approved Organisations satisfaction, Quality, Social Value, Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) and Integrated supply chain are within the Bouygues DNA and match those objectives that Bouygues measure themselves against.”